Psychedelic education & integration circles led by qualified therapists in Victoria, BC.

Learn, Grow & Build Community!

What does Psychedelic Integration mean?

Psychedelic means “mind manifesting” and describes compounds and experiences that alter the perception of one's sense of self and may lead to increased awareness of mental processes.

Integration is about the creation of wholeness. The Latin word “integrare”  means make whole or to begin again. The French word “intégration” describes the act of bringing together parts of a whole.

Psychedelic Integration is a process in which a person integrates insights into their life for long-term lasting positive change. This involves the exploration and sharing of both challenges and insights that might have been experienced. Integration circles are a space to make meaning of feelings, sensations and ideas so that you may carry them forward into daily life. In other words, integration increases the likelihood that a psychedelic experience will lead to long-term personal transformation.


Upcoming Events

Our Psychedelic Preparation & Integration Group Program is a live online 6-week support structure & course led by experienced psychedelic integration therapists. Participants of this course gain access to Higher Growth members only community events, workshops & retreats.

If you are…

  • interested in psychedelics or non-ordinary states & would like to discuss effects, safety, preparations & integration with qualified & experienced therapists.

  • interested in microdosing or sitting.

  • looking to join a growing community of people who are informed & passionate about psychedelic/non-ordinary state work.

  • looking for connections to community events, workshops & retreats.

  • confused about a non-ordinary state experience, the meaning of things you saw or heard, or about what to do next.

  • looking to deepend your understanding of the lessons of one or more experiences.

  • looking to integrate insights from psychedelic experiences into day-to-day life & maintain positive outcomes.

    …Then this course is for you!




(Limited spots AVAILABLE)


Upcoming Community Conscious Cannabis Circle: October 27th, 2024

Join us for a 4 hour group psychedelic journey with cannabis to support healing, creativity & personal growth! Group psychedelic cannabis circles are appropriate both for those new to psychedelics, regular cannabis users & even experienced psychonauts.

Our Conscious Cannabis events are a way for the Higher Growth community to come together & experience a psychedelic journey with Cannabis for personal & collective healing, self-discovery, growth & transformation. These circles are led by licensed therapists experienced in the area of nonordinary states & psychedelic psychotherapy.

Participants may experience:

*Extreme body awareness & a synaesthesia of somatic & visual senses

*Active & very visual imaginal experiences & a deep connection with their intuition

*A connection with the sacred, deeply meaningful & transcendent

*A feeling of being very present, lucid & with a sense of agency during experience

*Profound new levels of nervous system regulation & trauma resolution

*Developing a sense of agency in life, feeling more choice in life

*A deeper connection with purpose

This event is a hybrid of an online preparation call (1 hour) & a live, in office (4 hours) conscious cannabis circle where cannabis is imbibed (or CBD, or no substance)*. We also offer an optional online group check in a few days after the workshop

*Cannabis consumption is optional. Please consult with a medical professional if you have any medical concerns about consuming cannabis.


Integration might be the principle underlying health at all levels of our experience, from the microcosm of our inner world to our interpersonal relationships and life in our communities.
— Dan Siegel
“Psychedelic experience is only a glimpse of genuine mystical insight, but a glimpse which can be matured and deepened by the various ways of meditation in which drugs are no longer necessary or useful. If you get the message, hang up the phone. For psychedelic drugs are simply instruments, like microscopes, telescopes, and telephones. The biologist does not sit with eye permanently glued to the microscope, he goes away and works on what he has seen...
— Alan Watts (Joyous Cosmology Prologue, 2nd ed. 1970)


Higher Growth Group Psychedelic Integration Services is located in Victoria, British Columbia.